Stand-mount/ Bookshelf loudspeaker system
Product Summary
The DM4 is a three-unit monitor loudspeaker system that produces high quality results from an
incredibly small cabinet, making it perfect for home or small studio where space is at a premium.
Acoustic loading is by a very dense, critically damped enclosure with a small controlling vent to
optimise the response between 60 and 120Hz. This also produces considerably reduction in
cone excursion from 30 to 60Hz.
Technical highlights
The bass/ midrange units come in a critically contoured Bextrene cone configuration. This is
laminated in a highly resistant damping compound that ensures linear frequency response to
at least an octave above crossover.
The upper mid frequency unit offers wide dispersion from a virtual point source and a 19mm
low diaphragm mass plastic dome unit extends frequency response to above 25KHz
Drive Un its
1 x 19mm voice coil
Po w e r Ha n d lin g
Dim e n sio n s
10W – 30W
1 x 34mm mid/ high frequency unit
1 x 164mm bass/ midrange unit
Height: 530mm W idth: 255mm
Depth: 256mm
Fre q u e n cy Re sp o n se 30Hz – 25kHz. Better than ± 2dB,
Fin ish
Standard: teak or walnut
Special: satin white or selected veneers
of rosewood or black ash
Se n sitivity
4.8 watts into nominal impedance (i.e
6.2 volts) for a sound pressure of 95dB
pink noise at 1 metre
N o m in a l Im p e d a n ce 8 ohms
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.
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