Operation Guide 5143
Congratulations upon your selection of this CASIO watch.
x Note that the product illustrations in this manual are intended for reference only,
and so the actual product may appear somewhat different than depicted by an
Note that CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. assumes no responsibility for any
damage or loss suffered by you or any third party arising through the use of this
product or its malfunction.
About This Manual
Using the Crown
The crown of this watch has a button part and a ring part. You can use the crown’s
button and ring to perform a number of different crown operations.
In this manual, operations are performed using the watch’s
crown, and the three buttons indicated by the letters A,
B and C.
Locking the Crown
Hands and Indicators
z Hour Hand
x Second Hand
c Minute Hand
To lock the crown, push down its ring part as far as it will go as you
rotate the ring away from you until it is relatively tight. While the
crown is locked correctly, the only crown operations possible are
pressing the crown button and unlocking the crown.
v Mode Disk: Rotates to indicate the current mode and
other information.
* 6
x Push down on the ring as you slowly rotate it. You should be able to feel it screwing
b Chronograph Signal
n Day
securely into place.
x You should normally have the crown locked during normal daily use. Leaving the
crown unlocked creates the risk of unintended operations or even damage due to
This User’s Guide uses numbers shown above to identify
watch hands and indicators.
Pulling the Crown Out
x Note that rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on the
ring as you rotate it.
After unlocking the crown, grasp the ring and pull the crown out.
Unlocking the Crown
Rotate the ring part of the crown towards you until it loosens
Rotating the Crown
Crown ring
With the crown pulled out, grasp the ring and rotate the crown
towards you to move the hands of the watch.
You can also perform high-speed hand movement using the
operations described below. Note that there are two levels of high-
speed movement (High-speed 2 is faster).
Pressing the Crown Button
You can press the crown button while the crown is locked.
x Use High-speed 2 when changing the minute hand setting in the
Timekeeping Mode, Timer Mode, and Alarm Mode.
High-speed 1
x You can use high-speed hand movement when configuring time settings in the
Timekeeping Mode, Alarm Mode, or Countdown Timer Mode, or when adjusting the
home positions of the hands.
With the crown pulled out, rotate it rapidly away from you two times.
Pushing the Crown In
Carefully press the button of the crown the push the crown back in.
High-speed 2
After starting the High-speed 1 operation, rotate the crown rapidly
away from you two more times.
High-speed Cancel
x To prevent unintentional operation, the button press operation of the crown
becomes disabled automatically for about eight seconds after you push the crown
back in. It will become re-enabled after about eight seconds.
Rotate the crown towards you or press any button.
x While crown button mode switching is disabled, pressing the crown button will
cause the xSecond Hand to move to the 3 o’clock position. The xSecond Hand
will resume normal timekeeping when you release the crown button.
x If you do not perform any operation for more than three minutes after pulling out the
crown, crown operations will become disabled automatically. If this happens, push
the crown back in and then pull it out again to re-enable crown operations.
To re-enable crown button mode switching
Hold down the crown button as you press A.
Disabling Crown Button Mode Switching
You can use the following operation to disable crown button mode switching.
This helps to prevent accidental mode changes while wearing the watch.
To disable crown button mode switching
1. Hold down the crown button for at least two seconds until the watch beeps and
then press A.
x At this time the xSecond Hand will move to the 3 o’clock position.
2. Release both buttons.
x The watch will return to normal timekeeping.
Operation Guide 5143
Power Recovery Mode
Charging Times
The watch is designed to go into a power recovery mode that stops hand operation
temporarily whenever power suddenly drops below a certain level due to overuse
of the alarm tone over a short period. Note that all operations are disabled while the
watch is in the power recovery mode.
Level Change *2
Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Exposure Level (Brightness)
The hands will move to the correct positions and the watch will resume normal
operation after power recovers (in about 15 minutes). Putting the watch in a location
where it is exposed to light will help power to recover sooner.
Outdoor sunlight (50,000 lux)
Window sunlight (10,000 lux)
8 minutes
3 hours
28 hours
105 hours
169 hours
– – –
30 minutes
7 hours
10 hours
120 hours
Window sunlight on cloudy day (5,000 lux) 48 minutes
Indoor fluorescent lighting (500 lux) 8 hours
* 1 Approximate exposure each day to generate power for normal daily operation.
* 2 Approximate exposure to take power up one level.
x The above times are for reference only. Actual times depend on lighting conditions.
x For details about the operating time and daily operating conditions, see the “Power
Supply” section of the Specifications (page E-83).
To recover from the sleep state
Move the watch to a well-lit area, press any button, or perform a crown operation
(push in, pull out, rotate).
Power Saving
Power Saving enters a sleep state automatically whenever the watch is left for a
certain period in an area where it is dark. The table below shows how watch functions
are affected by Power Saving.
x There actually are two sleep state levels: “second hand sleep” and “function sleep”.
Elapsed Time in Dark
60 to 70 minutes (second hand
xSecond Hand only stopped, all other functions
x All functions, including analog timekeeping, disabled
x World Time Mode time stopped at the point the
Timekeeping Mode time reached 0:00
6 or 7 days (function sleep)
x The watch will not enter a sleep state between 6:00 AM and 9:59 PM. If the watch
is already in a sleep state when 6:00 AM arrives, however, it will remain in the sleep
x The watch will not enter a sleep state while it is in the Stopwatch Split Mode,
Stopwatch Lap Mode, or Countdown Timer Mode.
To do this:
Enter this mode:
Mode Reference Guide
Your watch has six “modes”. The mode you should select depends on what you want
to do.
View the current time in one of 29 cities around the
World Time Mode
To do this:
Enter this mode:
Mode Disk Pointers
x View the current time in your Home City and in one of
29 other cities around the globe
x View the current date in the Home City
x Configure Home City and daylight saving time (DST)
x Configure time and date settings
The vMode Disk uses three different pointers to indicate a variety of different
information: a mode pointer, a split pointer, and a lap pointer.
Timekeeping Mode
Mode Pointer
The mode pointer is in a fixed position. Whenever you enter a mode, the vMode
Disk will rotate until the current mode indicator (AL, TR, ST, TM, or WT) is aligned
with the mode pointer. The mode pointer is also used for indication of standard time
(STD) and summer time (DST).
Stopwatch Split Mode
(split measurement)
Measure elapsed time and split times
Measure elapsed time and lap times, and recall lap
Stopwatch Lap Mode
(lap measurement)
Use the countdown timer
Set an alarm time
Countdown Timer Mode
Alarm Mode
Split Pointer
Selecting a Mode
The split pointer is marked on the vMode Disk. Whenever you enter the Stopwatch
Split Mode (page E-46), it indicates the current status of the stopwatch operation.
While a normal stopwatch elapsed time measurement operation is in progress, the
split pointer will point to RUN. When a split time is indicated by the hands (which are
temporarily stopped), the split pointer will point to SPL. Stopping the elapsed time
measurement operation will cause the split pointer to move to STP (stop).
With this watch, everything starts from the Timekeeping Mode.
To determine the watch’s current mode
Check what the mode pointer is indicating on the vMode
Disk as shown under “To select a mode” (page E-28).
To return to the Timekeeping Mode from any other
Lap Pointer
The lap pointer is marked on the vMode Disk. Whenever you press B to perform
lap time measurement in the Stopwatch Mode, the vMode Disk will rotate so the
lap pointer points at the current lap number (1 through 5). If the current lap number is
Press and hold the crown button (without unlocking the
crown) for at least two seconds.
greater than 5, the lap pointer will point at
To select a mode
Press the crown
button. (No need to
unlock crown.)
Each press of the crown button cycles through the modes in the sequence shown
below. The vMode Disk rotates so the selected mode is indicated by the mode
Timekeeping Mode
Stopwatch Split Mode
(Elapsed time and
split times)
Mode pointer points to TM.
Movement of the vMode Disk may cause the watch hands to move slightly. This is
due to fine adjustment of hand positions and does not indicate malfunction.
Mode pointer points to ST.
Then vMode Disk rotates
until the split pointer points
to STP (stopped) or RUN
World Time Mode
Mode pointer points to WT.
Alarm Mode
Countdown Timer Mode
Mode pointer points to AL.
Mode pointer points to TR.
Operation Guide 5143
From any other mode, hold down C for about two seconds to enter the Stopwatch
LAP Mode. The vMode Disk will rotate until the lap pointer points at the current lap
number (1 through 5, or ).
To return to the Timekeeping Mode, hold down C or the crown button for about two
Use the Timekeeping Mode to set and view the current time and date. To enter the
Timekeeping Mode from another mode, press and hold the crown button (without
unlocking the crown) for at least two seconds.
Hands and Indicators
z Hour Hand
x Second Hand
c Minute Hand
v Mode Disk: TM aligned with mode pointer.
n Day
x If you do not perform any operation with the crown
for about three minutes after pulling it out, crown
operations will become disabled and the watch
hands will no longer move when you rotate the crown.
If this happens, push the crown back in and then pull
it out again.
Configuring Home City Settings
There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting
either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).
To configure Home City settings
x For details about city codes, see the “City Code
Table” at the back of this manual.
x This watch does not have a city code that
corresponds to Newfoundland.
1. Press and hold the crown button (without unlocking
the crown) for at least two seconds.
x This will enter the Timekeeping Mode (page E-29).
3. Rotate the crown to move the xSecond Hand to the
city code you want to select as your Home City.
x Each time you change to a different city code, the
zHour Hand, cMinute Hand, and nDay move
to the current time and date for that city code. Also,
the vMode Disk rotates until the mode pointer is
pointing at either STD or DST (see step 4 of this
procedure below).
2. Unlock the crown and then pull it out.
x This will cause the xSecond Hand to move to the
city code of the currently selected Home City.
x This indicates the city code setting mode.
4. Press A to toggle the currently selected city code
between standard time and daylight saving time.
x In the city code setting mode, the vMode Disk
indicates STD (standard time) or DST (daylight
Daylight Saving Time (DST)
Daylight Saving Time (summer time) advances the time setting by one hour from
Standard Time. Remember that not all countries or even local areas use Daylight
Saving Time.
saving time).
x Note that you cannot switch between STD (standard time) and DST (daylight
saving time) while UTC* is selected as your Home City.
* Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide scientific standard of timekeeping. The
reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.
x For details about the Daylight Saving Time setting,
see “Daylight Saving Time (DST)” (page E-35).
5. After the settings are the way you want, push the crown
back in to return to the Timekeeping Mode. Next, lock
the crown.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it
will go will change the settings of the watch. When
locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
To toggle the Home City time between standard time and daylight saving time
3. After the settings are the way you want, push the crown back in to return to the
Timekeeping Mode. Next, lock the crown.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
1. Perform steps 1 through 3 under “To configure Home
City settings” on page E-32.
x Each time you select a city code, the zHour Hand
and cMinute Hand move to the current time for that
city code.
2. Press A to toggle the time for the currently selected
city code between standard time and daylight saving
x The mode pointer will point to either STD (standard
time) or DST (daylight saving time) on the vMode
Disk, which indicates the current daylight saving
time setting.
2. Change the Home City and daylight saving time (DST)
settings, if you want.
Configuring Current Time and Date Settings
x For details about these settings, see steps 3 and 4
To change the current time setting
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, unlock the crown and then
pull it out.
under “To configure Home City settings” (page E-32).
3. Hold down B for about two seconds. This will enter the
time setting mode.
x The xSecond Hand will move to A (AM) or P (PM).
x In the following steps, each press of B cycles
between settings as shown below.
x This will cause the xSecond Hand to move to the city
code of the currently selected Home City.
x At this time, the mode pointer will point to the current
daylight saving time setting (STD or DST).
x If you do not perform any operation with the crown
for about three minutes after pulling it out, crown
operations will become disabled and the hand will not
move if you rotate the crown. If this happens, push
the crown back in and then pull it out again.
Home city/DST
Operation Guide 5143
4. Rotate the crown to adjust the time (hour and minute) setting.
x Rotating the crown two full consecutive turns away from you will cause the
cMinute Hand to start moving clockwise. Rotating the crown another two full
consecutive turns away from you will cause the cMinute Hand to start moving
at high speed. To stop hand movement, press any button or rotate the crown one
full turn towards you.
x If you want to change the date setting at this time, press B and perform the
procedure starting from step 3 under “To change the current date setting” (page
7. After the settings are the way you want, push the crown back in to return to the
Timekeeping Mode. Next, lock the crown.
x This causes timekeeping to resume with the xSecond Hand starting from
12 o’clock.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
5. Press B to switch to the hour setting mode.
x The zHour Hand will move slightly left and right to indicate the zHour Hand
setting mode.
x If you want to change the hour setting without changing the minute setting, skip
step 4 above.
6. Rotate the crown to adjust the hour setting only.
x Rotating the crown two full consecutive turns away from you will cause the
zHour Hand to start moving clockwise.
x When adjusting the setting, check to make sure that the xSecond Hand
correctly indicates A (AM) or P (PM).
To change the current date setting
5. After the nDay stops moving, press B.
This will enter the month setting mode.
x The xSecond Hand will move to the
currently selected month. This is the
month setting mode.
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, unlock the crown and then
pull it out.
x This will cause the xSecond Hand to move to the city
code of the currently selected Home City.
6. Rotate the crown to adjust the month
2. Hold down B for about two seconds.
x The xSecond Hand will move to A (AM) or P (PM).
3. Use B to enter the time and date setting mode (page
x The nDay will move slightly left and right to indicate
the setting mode.
Setting the month
4. Rotate the crown to adjust the date setting.
7. Press B. This will enter the year setting mode.
8. Rotate the crown to adjust the year setting.
x The zHour Hand will move to the number that represents the tens digit of the
year and the cMinute Hand will move to the number that represents the ones
digit. The xSecond Hand will move to 12 o’clock and stop there.
x If you want to change the time setting at this time, press B and then perform
the procedure starting from step 4 under “To change the current time setting”
(page E-38).
9. After the settings are the way you want, push the crown back in to return to the
Timekeeping Mode. Next, lock the crown.
x This causes timekeeping to resume with the xSecond Hand starting from
12 o’clock.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
x The watch’s built-in full automatic calendar makes allowances for different month
lengths and leap years. Once you set the date, there should be no reason to
change it except after you have the watch’s rechargeable battery replaced or after
power drops to Level 3.
Setting the year (ones digit)
Setting the year (tens digit)
Hands and Indicators
Using the Stopwatch (Stopwatch Split Mode)
The stopwatch measures elapsed time and split times.
z Hour Hand: Indicates the stopwatch minute count
(1 revolution = 60 minutes).
x Second Hand: Indicates the 1/20 (0.05)-second count
What is a split time?
A split time is the time elapsed from the start point of a race up to any point along the
way in the race.
during stopwatch operation.
c Minute Hand: Indicates the stopwatch seconds count.
v Mode Disk: Mode pointer points to ST. Then disk
rotates until the split pointer points to STP
(stopped), RUN (running), or SPL (split).
Example: Split times at the 10km point and at other points along the way in a
b Chronograph Signal
B *
To perform elapsed time measurement
x The bChronograph Signal changes in accordance the operation being performed:
1. Press the crown button to navigate to the Stopwatch Split Mode.
x The mode pointer will point to ST on the vMode Disk. Then the disk will rotate
until the split pointer points to STP (stopped), RUN (running), or SPL (split).
STP (stopped), RUN (running), or SPL (split).
STP (stopped)
RUN (running)
SPL (split)
2. Now you can perform either of following stopwatch operations.
To perform an elapsed time operation
To pause at a split time
x The Stopwatch Split Mode can indicate elapsed time up to 59 minutes,
Normal stopwatch hand movement will
resume automatically after five seconds.
59.95 seconds.
x The watch’s bezel is marked in 1/20 (0.05)-second units.
Operation Guide 5143
x An ongoing stopwatch operation will continue even if you pull out the crown to
x The xSecond Hand indicates the 1/20 (0.05)-second count for the first 30 seconds
of a stopwatch elapsed time operation. After that, the hand stops at 12 o’clock,
but 1/20 (0.05)-second timing continues internally after the first 30 seconds. The
xSecond Hand will jump to the current value whenever A (Stop) is pressed.
perform some setting operation.
x In the following cases, the hands of the watch are moving, so pressing B will not
perform a reset operation.
− While the hands are moving to elapsed timekeeping after you enter the Stopwatch
Split Mode
− While the watch is changing dates at midnight
x Once started, stopwatch timing continues until you press A to stop it, even if you
exit the Stopwatch Split Mode to another mode and even if timing reaches the
stopwatch limit defined above.
x You can press A to start an elapsed time operation immediately after entering
the Stopwatch Split Mode, even if the watch’s hands are still moving to their initial
Stopwatch Split Mode positions. Note, however, that if the stopwatch was not
reset after the last elapsed time operation, timing will restart from where it was last
stopped, and not from 12 o’clock.
Hands and Indicators
Using the Stopwatch (Stopwatch lap mode)
z Hour Hand: Indicates the stopwatch minute count
You can use the Stopwatch Lap Mode to measure elapsed time and lap times, and to
recall lap times. Up to five lap times can be stored in memory. There is also memory
to record the fastest lap time. Though no more lap times are stored after five times are
in memory, the fastest lap time continues to be updated as required. Starting a new
elapsed time operation clears all of the memories (including fastest lap time).
(1 revolution = 60 minutes).
x Second Hand: Indicates the 1/20 (0.05)-second count
during stopwatch operation.
c Minute Hand: Indicates the stopwatch seconds count.
v Mode Disk: Mode disk rotates until the lap pointer
What is a lap time?
A lap time is the time elapsed over a specific segment of a race.
points to a lap number.
To enter and exit the Stopwatch Lap Mode
From any other mode, hold down C for about two seconds
to enter the Stopwatch Lap Mode.
Example: Car race on an oval track
x The vMode Disk will rotate until the lap pointer points to
Lap 1
the current lap number (1 through 5, or ).
Lap 2
To return to the Timekeeping Mode, hold down C or the
crown button for about two seconds.
Lap 3
To perform an elapsed time operation
To recall lap data
1. While in the Stopwatch Lap Mode, unlock the crown and then pull it out to enter the
Data Recall Mode.
x The vMode Disk will move until the lap pointer points to LAP 1, and the hands
of the watch will move until they indicate the time recorded for LAP 1.
To perform lap time measurement
2. Rotate the crown to select other laps.
x Rotate the crown away from you to select laps sequentially in ascending
sequence (2, 3, 4, 5), and towards you to select laps in descending sequence.
Rotating the crown until FL (Fastest) is selected will show the time of the fastest
Lap (LAP1) Lap (LAP2)
x With each lap time measurement, the vMode Disk will move so the lap pointer
points to the next sequential lap number. Performing another lap time measurement
3. To return to the Stopwatch Lap Mode, push the crown back in. Next, lock the
after LAP 5 is indicated will cause
(too many laps) to be indicated.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
To specify the countdown start time
Using the Countdown Timer
The countdown timer can be configured within a range of one minute to 60 minutes.
An alarm sounds for about 10 seconds when the timer reaches zero, and a count up
elapsed time operation starts.
1. Press the crown button to navigate to the Countdown
Timer Mode.
x The mode pointer will point to TR on the vMode
2. Unlock the crown and then pull it out. This enters the
countdown start time setting mode.
Hands and Indicators
z Hour Hand: Indicates the elapsed time hour.
x If you do not perform any operation with the crown
for about three minutes after pulling it out, crown
operations will become disabled and the watch
hands will no longer move when you rotate the crown.
If this happens, push the crown back in and then pull
it out again.
x Second Hand: Indicates countdown or elapsed
c Minute Hand: Indicates countdown or elapsed minutes.
v Mode Disk: TR aligned with mode pointer.
x All hands move counterclockwise during a countdown.
They automatically switch to clockwise movement when
elapsed time measurement begins after the countdown
is complete.
To perform a countdown timer operation
3. Rotate the crown to set the countdown start time.
x Rotating the crown two full consecutive turns away from you will cause the
cMinute Hand to start moving clockwise. Rotating the crown another two full
consecutive turns away from you will cause the cMinute Hand to start moving
at high speed. To stop hand movement, press any button or rotate the crown one
full turn towards you.
x The maximum countdown start time setting is 60 minutes. To set a countdown start
time of 60 minutes, move the cMinute Hand to 12 o’clock.
x Pressing B while the Countdown Timer is stopped resets the displayed time to the
start time specified by you.
x Pressing B will not perform a reset while the watch is performing any of the
following operations.
− While the hands are moving to the current timer time after you enter the
Countdown Timer Mode.
4. Push the crown back in to exit the countdown start time setting mode. Next, lock
the crown.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
− While the displayed date is changing at midnight.
x Before starting a countdown timer operation, check to make sure that the
countdown timer is not already operating (indicated by a moving xSecond Hand).
If it is, press A to stop it and then B to reset to the countdown start time.
x All hands move counterclockwise during a countdown. They automatically switch to
clockwise movement when elapsed time measurement begins after the countdown
is complete. An elapsed time measurement operation will continue until you press
A to stop it.
Operation Guide 5143
x Pulling out the crown to perform a crown operation while a Countdown Timer
Using the Alarm
When the alarm is turned on, an alarm will sound for about 10 seconds each day
when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true
even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.
countdown or elapsed time measurement is in progress will automatically stop the
ongoing Countdown Timer operation and reset to the countdown start time.
Elapsed Time Measurement Following Countdown
When the countdown reaches zero, the watch starts to count up elapsed time in
one-second increments, for up to 24 hours. When the watch switches to elapsed time
measurement, the hands automatically switch to clockwise movement.
x You can pause and restart an elapsed time operation by pressing A. While an
elapsed time operation is paused, pressing B resets to the countdown start time.
Hands and Indicators
z Hour Hand: Indicates the currently set alarm time hour.
x Second Hand: Indicates the current alarm ON/OFF
x Pressing B causes the xSecond Hand to move to the
current A (AM) or P (PM) setting.
To stop the alarm
Press any button or press the crown button.
c Minute Hand: Indicates the currently set alarm time
x Pressing any button or pressing the crown button while the alarm is sounding
simply stops the alarm sound. It does not stop the elapsed time operation that
started when the end of the countdown was reached. To stop the elapsed time
operation, press A.
v Mode Disk: AL aligned with mode pointer.
To change the alarm time setting
3. Rotate the crown to set the alarm time.
1. Press the crown button to navigate to the Alarm Mode.
x The mode pointer will point to AL on the vMode Disk.
x Rotating the crown two full consecutive turns away from you will cause the
cMinute Hand to start moving clockwise. Rotating the crown another two full
consecutive turns away from you will cause the cMinute Hand to start moving
at high speed. To stop hand movement, press any button or rotate the crown one
full turn towards you.
2. Unlock the crown and then pull it out to enter the alarm setting mode.
x The xSecond Hand will move to either A (AM) or P (PM).
x If you do not perform any operation with the crown for about three minutes after
pulling it out, crown operations will become disabled and the watch hands will no
longer move when you rotate the crown. If this happens, push the crown back in
and then pull it out again.
4. Press B to switch to the hour setting mode.
x The zHour Hand will move slightly left and right to indicate the zHour Hand
setting mode.
x If you want to change the hour setting without changing the minute setting, skip
step 4 above.
x You can toggle between the hour and minute setting mode, and the hour only
setting mode by pressing B.
x When adjusting the alarm time setting, check to make sure that the xSecond
Hand correctly indicates A (AM) or P (PM).
5. Rotate the crown to adjust the hour setting only.
x Rotating the crown two full consecutive turns away from you will cause the
zHour Hand to start moving clockwise.
To check the AM/PM setting of the alarm
In the Alarm Mode, press B and the xSecond Hand will move to either A (AM) or
P (PM).
x The xSecond Hand will return to the current ON/OFF setting after about one
6. After the setting is the way you want, push the crown back in to exit the alarm
setting mode. Next, lock the crown.
x The alarm always works based on the time kept in the Timekeeping Mode.
x The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not
perform any operation in the Alarm Mode for about two or three minutes.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
To turn the alarm on or off
In the Alarm Mode, press A to toggle the alarm between on and off. The xSecond
Hand will indicate the current ON/OFF setting.
To stop the alarm
Press any button or press the crown button.
To view the time in another time zone
1. Unlock the crown and then pull it out.
x The xSecond Hand points to the currently selected World Time city code.
x The mode pointer will point to either STD (standard time) or DST (daylight saving
time) on the vMode Disk, which indicates the current daylight saving time
Checking the Current Time in a Different Time Zone
You can use World Time to view the current time in one of 29 time zones around the
globe. The currently selected city is called the “World Time City”.
Hands and Indicators
x If you do not perform any operation with the crown for about three minutes after
pulling it out, crown operations will become disabled and the watch hands will no
longer move when you rotate the crown. If this happens, push the crown back in
and then pull it out again.
z Hour Hand: Indicates the hour of the current time in the
World Time City.
x Second Hand: Indicates the currently selected World
Time City.
x Pressing B causes the xSecond Hand to move to
A (AM) or P (PM).
2. Rotate the crown to move the xSecond Hand to the city code you want to select
as the World Time City.
c Minute Hand
v Mode Disk: WT aligned with mode pointer.
n Day
x Each time you select a city code, the zHour Hand, cMinute Hand, and nDay
move to the current time and date for that city code. For details about city codes,
see the “City Code Table” at the back of this manual.
To check whether a time zone is AM or PM
x If you think that the time indicated for the selected World Time City is not correct,
it probably means that there is something wrong with your Home City settings.
Use the procedure under “To configure Home City settings” (page E-32) to
correct the Home City settings.
In the World Time Mode, press B and the xSecond Hand
will move to either A (AM) or P (PM).
x The xSecond Hand will return to the city code you
selected after about one second.
3. After selecting the city you want, push the crown back in to return to the World Time
Mode. Next, lock the crown.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST)
for a city
1. In the World Time Mode, unlock the crown and then pull
it out to enter the city setting mode.
2. Rotate the crown to move the xSecond Hand to the
city code whose setting you want to change. See “To
view the time in another time zone” (page E-67) for more
Operation Guide 5143
3. Press A to toggle the time for the currently selected city code between STD
(standard time) and DST (daylight saving time).
Adjusting Home Positions
Strong magnetism or impact can cause the hands and/or day of the watch to be off.
4. Push the crown back in to return to the World Time
Mode. Next, lock the crown.
If this happens, perform the applicable home position adjustment procedures in this
x Note that you cannot switch between STD (standard
time)/DST (daylight saving time) while UTC is
selected as the World Time City.
x Note that the STD (standard time)/DST (daylight
saving time) setting affects only the currently selected
time zone. Other time zones are not affected.
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it
will go will change the settings of the watch. When
locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
x Hand home position adjustment is not required if the time and day settings are
x Any time after you enter the home position adjustment mode in step 2 of the
following procedure, you can return to the Timekeeping Mode by pushing the
crown back in. In either case, any adjustments you made before the watch returned
to the Timekeeping Mode will be applied.
x If you do not perform any operation with the crown for about three minutes after
pulling it out, crown operations will become disabled and hands will not move if you
rotate the crown. If this happens, push the crown back in and then pull it out again.
To adjust home positions
x Each press of B while the watch is in the home position adjustment mode will
cycle through the adjustment settings as shown below.
1. Press and hold the crown button (without unlocking
the crown) for at least two seconds to enter the
Timekeeping Mode.
vMode Disk
2. Unlock the crown and then pull it out.
x This will cause the xSecond Hand to move to the city
code of the currently selected Home City.
3. Hold down B for about seven seconds. The xSecond
Hand will stop at 12 o’clock. The vMode Disk should
x Be sure to rotate the crown away from you only when adjusting home positions.
You cannot adjust home positions by rotating the crown towards you.
x Rotating the crown two full consecutive turns away from you will cause the hand
you are adjusting to start moving clockwise. To stop hand movement, press any
button or rotate the crown one full turn towards you.
rotate until the lap pointer is pointed at
x This indicates the home position adjustment mode.
x First is vMode Disk home position adjustment.
x If the lap pointer is pointed at , it is in the correct
home position. If it isn’t, rotate the crown to move the
lap pointer to
7. After confirming that the xSecond Hand is at the proper home position, press B.
This will advance to day home position adjustment.
x The nDay is in the correct home position if it shows 1. If it doesn’t, rotate the
crown to change the day to 1.
4. After confirming that the vMode Disk is at the proper
home position, press B. This will advance to zHour
Hand home position adjustment.
x If the zHour Hand moves to 12 o’clock, it is in the
correct home position. If it doesn’t, rotate the crown to
move it to 12 o’clock.
8. Push the crown back in to return to the Timekeeping Mode. Next, lock the crown.
x This will cause the hands to return to their normal positions and resume regular
timekeeping. Wait until everything stops moving before performing any other
x Rotating the ring without pushing it down as far as it will go will change the
settings of the watch. When locking the crown, be sure to press down firmly on
the ring as you rotate it.
5. After confirming that the zHour Hand is at the proper
home position, press B. This will advance to cMinute
Hand home position adjustment.
x If the cMinute Hand moves to 12 o’clock, it is in the
correct home position. If it doesn’t, rotate the crown to
move it to 12 o’clock.
6. After confirming that the cMinute Hand is at the proper home position, press B.
This will advance to xSecond Hand home position adjustment.
x If the xSecond Hand moves to 12 o’clock, it is in the correct home position. If it
doesn’t, rotate the crown to move it to 12 o’clock.
■ The xSecond Hand is moving at two-second intervals.
■ All the watch’s hands are stopped at 12 o’clock and none of the buttons work.
Power may be low. Expose the watch to light until the xSecond Hand starts moving
normally, at one-second intervals (page E-18).
Hand Movement and Position
■ I lost track of what mode the watch is in.
Refer to “To select a mode” (page E-28). To return directly to the Timekeeping Mode
from any other mode, press and hold the crown button (without unlocking the crown)
for at least two seconds.
■ The hands of the watch suddenly start moving at high speed, even when I do
not perform any operation.
This could be due to any one of the following causes. In all cases, the hand movement
does not indicate malfunction, and should stop shortly.
x The watch is recovering from a sleep state (page E-23).
x The watch is returning to the Timekeeping Mode automatically from the Alarm Mode
(page E-61).
■ When pressing the crown button to enter the Stopwatch Split Mode from
the Timekeeping Mode, the crown needs to be held down longer than when
switching to another mode.
The watch is designed this way in order to ensure that the Timekeeping Mode is not
exited unintentionally due to accidental pressing of the crown button. When entering
the Stopwatch Split Mode from the Timekeeping Mode, press the crown button and
hold it down until the mode changes.
■ Hands suddenly stop moving. Button operation also is disabled.
The watch may be in the power recovery mode (page E-20). Do not perform any
operation until the hands return to their normal positions (in about 15 minutes). The
hands should return to their correct positions when normal operation returns. To help
power recover, leave the watch in a location where it is exposed to light.
■ The current time setting is off by hours.
Your Home City setting may be wrong. Check your Home City setting and correct it, if
necessary (page E-32).
Crown Operations
■ The watch seems to change modes on its own.
The watch will change modes whenever you press the button part of the crown. You
can disable mode switching when the crown button is pressed, if you want.
See “To disable crown button mode switching” (page E-8).
■ The current time setting is off by one hour.
You may need to change your Home City’s STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving)
setting. Use the procedure under “To toggle the Home City time between standard
time and daylight saving time” (page E-36) to change the STD/DST setting.
■ The watch will not change modes.
Crown button mode switching may be disabled. Re-enable crown button mode
■ The hands and/or day indications are off.
See “To re-enable crown button mode switching” (page E-9).
This could indicate that the watch has been exposed to magnetism or strong impact,
which has caused problems with proper hand and day alignment. Adjust the watch’s
hand and day home position alignment (page E-71).
■ Nothing happens when I rotate the crown while it is pulled out.
You did not perform any operation for more than three minutes while the crown was
pulled out, causing operation to become disabled automatically. Push the crown in
and pull it back out again to re-enable operation.
See “Using the Crown” (page E-3).
Operation Guide 5143
■ Nothing happens when I press the crown button.
To prevent unintentional operation, the button press operation of the crown is disabled
automatically for about eight seconds after you push the crown back in. It will become
re-enabled after about eight seconds.
■ The alarm does not sound.
x Power may be low. Expose the watch to light until the xSecond Hand starts moving
normally, at one-second intervals (page E-18).
See “Pushing the Crown In” (page E-7).
x The crown may be pulled out. Push the crown back in.
World Time
■ The watch does not resume operation after I expose it to light.
This can happen after the power level drops to Level 3 (page E-18). Continue
exposing the watch to light until the xSecond Hand starts moving normally (at one-
second intervals).
■ The indicated World Time is wrong.
There is a problem with your Home City settings.
Check your Home City settings.
See “To configure Home City settings” (page E-32).
■ The xSecond Hand starts to move at one-second intervals, but then suddenly
returns to moving at two-second intervals.
The watch probably is not sufficiently charged yet. Continue keeping it exposed to
■ The indicated World Time is one hour off.
The summer time setting for the World Time city is wrong.
See “To specify standard time or daylight saving time (DST) for a city” (page E-69).
Alarm: Daily alarm
Other: Power Saving
Accuracy at normal temperature: 15 seconds a month
Power Supply: Solar panel and one rechargeable battery
Approximate battery operating time: 6 months (no exposure to light after a full
charge; 6 hours of stopped second hand per day)
Timekeeping: Hour, minutes (hand moves every 10 seconds), seconds, day
Calendar system: Full Auto-calendar pre-programmed from the year 2000 to 2099
Other: Home City code (can be assigned one of 29 city codes and Coordinated
Universal Time); Daylight Saving Time (summer time) / Standard Time
World Time: 29 cities (29 time zones) and Coordinated Universal Time
Other: Daylight Saving Time (summer time) / Standard Time
Stopwatch: Measuring capacity: 59'59.95"
Measuring unit: 1/20 (0.05) seconds
Measuring mode: Elapsed time
Lap time (Memories: 5, Fastest lap memory)
Countdown Timer:
Measuring unit: 1 second
Input range: 1 to 60 minutes (1-minute increments)
Other: Elapsed time
City Code Table
UTC Offset/
UTC Offset/
City Code
City Code
GMT Differential
GMT Differential
Pago Pago
Los Angeles
New York
Hong Kong
Rio De Janeiro
Fernando de Noronha
ꢀBased on data as of December 2010.
ꢀThe rules governing global times (UTC offset and GMT differential) and summer
time are determined by each individual country.
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