Cisco Small Business
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Thank you for choosing the Cisco Small Business Network Storage System (NSS).
Administering a network can be a difficult job. Finding low-cost ways to simplify
your data-management tasks means that you have more resources to dedicate
elsewhere. The NSS is a Network Attached Storage (NAS) unit that appears as a
native file server for the various clients within your network, including Windows,
Apple Macintosh, UNIX, and Linux platforms. The biggest benefit to your users is
that they can now access data that might be stored across different physical
platforms as simply as if it were on their own computers. The NSS provides a
single repository that is completely dedicated to storage, ensuring the integrity,
reliability, and accessibility of your data for a relatively low cost.
The NSS lets you install up to four physical disk drives. It uses the most common
file-based protocols such as NFS, CIFS, and FTP for file sharing.
The NSS offers these main advantages to your business:
• Cross-platform file sharing: Share files easily and inexpensively across
multiple platforms over a cost-effective Ethernet and IP network.
• Easy installation and administration: With a basic understanding of
networking, the NSS is easily configured, managed, and made available to
all of the users on your network.
• Data consolidation: Centralize data to reduce management costs and
maximize your investment in existing hardware. This also means better data
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
About this Guide
About this Guide
This guide provides instructions on how to initially configure your NSS3000. It
describes how to set up the hardware, configure the NSS, and how users can
access the network storage.
Approved Vendor List for Drives
If you are purchasing disk drives to install in the NSS, see the Cisco Approved
When you select a disk drive, consider the type of RAID levels required to service
your business needs. For example, if you are creating a RAID (versus a JBOD),
make sure that each of the disks used in the array have the same disk capacity.
The RAID is built using the capacity of the smallest disk in the array.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
This chapter provides instructions for installing the NSS hardware. It describes
how to physically install the NSS and how to use the LCD panel of the front of the
chassis to view the NSS status. It includes the following topics:
Installing the Disk Drives
Follow these steps to install disk drives in the NSS3000 NAS chassis.
If your NSS has the disk drives already installed, skip this step and go to Step 2.
STEP 1 Remove the contents of the NSS3000 NAS package from the box.
STEP 2 Place the chassis upright on a flat surface.
STEP 3 Unlock the front lock of the chassis.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
Installing the Disk Drives
STEP 4 Open the front door of the chassis.
STEP 5 From disk bay 1, remove the disk tray.
To remove the tray, push in the tab on the latch on the front of the tray, and then
open the latch. Pull out the tray.
STEP 6 Position the disk drive into a disk tray. Then, attach the disk drive to the tray by
inserting the disk drive screws into the four holes at the bottom of the tray and
tightening them with a Phillips screwdriver.
Alternatively, you can attach the disk drive to the tray by inserting two screws into
the holes on each side of the tray and tightening them.
STEP 7 Insert the tray back into the empty bay of the chassis.
STEP 8 Apply even pressure to both corners of the tray while you insert the tray fully into
position in the chassis. Then, close the latch of the tray.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
Installing the Disk Drives
STEP 9 Repeat steps 5 through 9 to install additional disk drives.
STEP 10 Close the front door of the chassis.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
Connecting the NSS to the Network
Connecting the NSS to the Network
Follow these steps to connect the NSS to the network.
STEP 1 Connect the supplied Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the back of
the chassis.
STEP 2 Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to a switch or router on your network.
to Network
STEP 3 Make sure the Ethernet connections are secure.
NOTE If you are hotplugging an Ethernet cable to the NSS after the initial installation, make
sure that you wait 15 seconds between the time you unplug the cable and plug it
back in. Within 10 seconds the newly connected link should appear with the correct
IP and link rate in the configuration interface.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
Connecting the Power
Connecting the Power
You can connect the NSS chassis to a standard power outlet or connect it to an
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).
NOTE We recommend that you use an UPS since a sudden loss of power can cause RAID
corruption and possible data loss.
Connecting the Chassis to a Standard Power Outlet
Follow these steps to connect the chassis to a standard power outlet.
STEP 1 Connect one end of the supplied power cable to the Power port on the chassis.
STEP 2 Connect the other end of the power cable to a standard power outlet.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
Connecting the Power
Connecting the Chassis to an Uninterruptible Power Supply
To protect data against a sudden loss of power, follow these steps to connect the
chassis to an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS).
STEP 1 Connect one end of the supplied power cable to the Power port on the
NSS3000 chassis.
STEP 2 Connect the other end of the power cable to the UPS.
STEP 3 Use a USB signal cable to connect the UPS port on the chassis to the UPS.
to UPS
to UPS
Supported UPS Product Families
The NSS supports these UPS product families:
• APC Back-UPS Pro USB
• APC Back-UPS ES/CyberFort 350
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
Starting the NSS
Starting the NSS
Follow these steps to start the NSS.
STEP 1 Press the Power button on the front of the chassis.
STEP 2 Verify that the Power LED on the front of the NSS chassis turns yellow. If the LED is
STEP 3 Confirm that the LCD display on the front of the chassis displays the IP address
STEP 4 If the IP address assigned to the chassis starts with 169.254, it means that the
address is self-assigned. This happens if there is no DHCP server on the network
CAUTION If you disconnect and reconnect the chassis (while it is turned on) from or to the
network, you must wait 15 seconds before you can access the chassis through
the network.
STEP 5 The hardware installation is complete.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
Using the NSS3000 LCD Panel
Using the NSS3000 LCD Panel
The LCD panel on the front of the chassis let you view various aspects of the
system such as the status of the configured RAIDs, volumes, the status of the
bootup, and so on. To see the available options, press the Display button. Each
time you press the Display button, the next screen appears. Subsequent pages
appear after a few seconds and continue to automatically scroll through the pages
until you press the Display button again.
NOTE Because of the screen space limitations within many of the available screens, the
information appears on multiple pages. For example, the Home screen has two
pages (page 1 shows the hostname and IP, and the second page shows the
hostname and netmask).
The LCD panel displays these screen options:
• Bootup Screen: During the bootup of the NSS, the LCD panel displays its
• Home Screen: Displays the current hostname, IP address, and netmask of
the system.
• System Alerts: Displays the system alerts (two per page) in order from
most recent to the oldest. (For details about the system alerts, refer to the
System Alerts section on the System Status page.)
• RAID Status: Displays details for the configured RAID arrays in the system.
You can view the type of the RAID array (J=JBOD, 0,1,5,10), the state of the
RAID (i.e., clean, degraded, rebuild, failed, and stopped), and the percentage
complete of the RAID rebuild (if currently in progress).
• Volume Status: Displays the configured volumes and the percentage of
space used. Each volume appears with the RAID on which it is configured
followed by the volume name. For example, A:volB (which indicates that
Volume B is located on RAID A).
• Cable Diagnostics: Displays the status of the Ethernet cable If the link is
working properly, the link status appears as OK. If there is a problem with
the link, the status is reported according to the pairs within the cable. These
messages can appear:
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Setting up the Hardware
Using the NSS3000 LCD Panel
- Short: If the pair has a short, the message appears as "pair a-b short@
Xm" (where "a" and "b" are the numbers of the pair, "X" is the location in
the cable where the short was found, and "m" stands for metres).
- Open: If the cable has an open, the message appears as "pair a-b open@
Xm (where "a" and "b" are the numbers of the pair, "X" is the location in the
cable where the open was found, and "m" stands for metres).
- Disconnected: If the cable shows an open at the minimum measurable
distance, it is assumed that the cable is not connected. The message
"Cable is not connected" appears.
The cable diagnostic test only runs the first time you display the Cable
Diagnostics screen. To rerun the test, scroll through the LCD screens until
you see the Cable Diagnostics screen appear again.
• Firmware Version/Update Date: Displays the version of the firmware and
the date that the last firmware upgrade was completed.
• Firmware Upgrade: Displays the progress of the firmware upgrade.
When you display this screen, a diagnostic test is automatically run (This
screen only appears when performing a firmware upgrade)
• System Time/Date: Displays the current time and date for the system. The
time appears using the 24-hour clock. The date appears as the day of the
week, the month as a three-character abbreviation, and the year.
For example, 21:45, Wed, Dec 12, 2008.
• Shutdown Screen: During the shutdown of the NSS, the LCD panel displays
the progress of the shutdown.
• Network Factory Defaults Restore: During the restoration of the default
network configuration the LCD panel displays that the network is being
restored and is changing the settings to the default settings.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Configuring the NSS
This chapter describes the steps you need to follow to configure the NSS, and
includes the following topics:
For a detailed description of the configuration options available, see the NSS3000
Series Network Storage System Administration Guide available on at, or refer to the online help on the NSS
configuration interface.
Configuring the Computer Network Settings
The NSS ships with its network interface configured for DCHP. This is the default
configuration. If a DCHP server is installed on your network, skip this step.
If there is no DHCP server on your network, you must manually configure the
computer network setting as follows:
STEP 1 Set the IP address and subnet mask to the following:
• IP Address 169.254.x.y (where x and y can be any number between 1 and
254). For example, Make sure that you pick an address that
is different from the address of the NSS chassis.
• Subnet Mask
STEP 2 Log into the NSS configuration interface. Configure the NSS network IP settings as
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Configuring the NSS
Logging into the Configuration Interface
NOTE The configuration for your computer is only temporary. After you initially open the
configuration interface, you can configure the static IP address for the NSS and then
restore your computer’s network settings to their previous values. For help setting
the IP configuration on the NSS, refer to the online help available from NSS
configuration interface.:
Logging into the Configuration Interface
This section describes how to log in to the NSS configuration interface. The NSS
configuration interface is a management tool you use to configure the NSS.
If you are logging into the NSS for the first time, write down the MAC address
located on the sticker attached to the bottom of the chassis. You will need the
MAC address as this is part of the default hostname. Otherwise, skip this step
STEP 1 Select a login method. There are three ways to log into the configuration interface.
1. Open a web browser on your computer and enter the following URL in the
Address field:
- http://<IP_address_of_NSS_unit>
Where <IP_address_of_NSS_unit >is the IP address of the NSS3000
NAS chassis, which appears on the LCD display.
You can also access the chassis by entering the following:
- http://NAS<MAC_address_of_NSS_unit>
Where <MAC_address_of_NSS_unit > is the MAC address of the
NSS3000 NAS chassis. The MAC address of the chassis is recorded on
a label above the disk drive b
2. Use the Bonjour discovery tool (if installed) and select the NSS from the list of
available devices.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Configuring the NSS
Logging into the Configuration Interface
3. Run the Discovery Tool from the CD that shipped with your NSS. Insert it into
your PC to automatically run the installation tool. (You can also download the
NSS Discovery application from at:
The Welcome screen appears.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Configuring the NSS
Logging into the Configuration Interface
STEP 1 Click Run Discovery Tool.
STEP 2 From the Cisco NSS Discovery Tool window, select the device from the list of
NSS devices, and then click Connect to GUI.
The NSS Login window appears.
STEP 3 Enter admin in the User Name and Password fields, then click OK. When you first
log into the configuration interface or if you reset the factory defaults, both the
username and password are set to "admin".
STEP 4 The setup configuration wizard starts.
STEP 5 Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the configuration.
STEP 6 After the configuration completes, change the administration password as
described in the NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Administration Guide.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Configuring the NSS
Running the Quick Setup Wizards to Configure the NSS
Running the Quick Setup Wizards to Configure the NSS
When you log into the configuration interface for the first time, the Initial Setup
wizard appears. The setup wizard steps you through the basic configuration to
create a RAID, volume, share, user, to set the Home Directory location, set the
time, and so on. You can access this wizard at any time from the Manager Menu of
the configuration interface.
NOTE if you save any configuration settings before running the wizard, running the
wizard will erase any saved data. For example, if you configure a RAID and
then run the wizard, the RAID will be deleted.
These wizards are also available from the Manager Menu of the configuration
interface. Select the wizard and then follow the onscreen instructions.
• IP Camera Options (Optional): You can run either the FTP or CIFS wizards
to set up the NSS to store videos from IP surveillance cameras. The type of
wizard you choose depends on the way the camera transfers the video
clips. Before you run the wizard make sure that you create a RAID array, a
volume, and add any users that you want to grant access to the surveillance
videos. After running the wizard, map a network drive to the share on the PC
running the camera utility and configure the camera utility to save the video
to the mapped network drive.
NOTE You only need to run the wizard once. You must configure each
camera to output the video to the configured share
- FTP: Run this wizard if the cameras are set up to transfer motion-
triggered clips through FTP. The wizard creates a single user and FTP
share for the cameras. The videos are then saved within the FTP share
which contains a subfolder dedicated to each camera. After you run the
wizard, you must configure each camera to output the video to the
configured NSS share. Use the information summarized on the last page
of the wizard to set up the cameras through their configuration interface.
- CIFS: Run this wizard if the cameras have a Windows utility program that
lets you save the streaming video to a local drive (or in this case, the
NSS) and then view the video from its saved location. The wizard
creates a single user and share for all cameras that are configured to
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Configuring the NSS
Saving the NSS Configuration
stream video to the Windows camera utility program. After you run the
wizard, you must map the network drive from the PC that runs the
Windows utility program to the CIFS share and then set up the utility to
save to the mapped network drive.
Saving the NSS Configuration
You can save a copy of the NSS configuration to use if you need to restore the
settings at a later time. When you save the configuration file, it saves a date-
stamped version of the current configuration settings to the specified volume on
the NSS. You can choose to save the current configuration settings to a specified
volume on the NSS or you can save the file to a USB flash device.
To save the current configuration:
STEP 1 If you are saving the configuration file to a USB flash device, insert a USB flash
device into the AUX-1 port on the front panel of the NSS.
STEP 2 From the Manager Menu, click Admin ꢀConfiguration.
The Configuration Manager page appears.
STEP 3 Select the location where the backup is saved from the Stored Configuration
Location drop-down menu. To save the configuration file to a USB flash device,
select the AUX-1 port as the location. You can then copy the configuration file
from the USB flash device to another location on your network.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Configuring the NSS
Saving the NSS Configuration
STEP 4 Click Update.
STEP 5 Click Save to save the configuration settings. If you have problems saving the
configuration file to the specified volume, check the volume and make sure that it
is not locked.
STEP 6 If you saved the file to the USB flash device, you must unmount the USB device
from the AUX-1 port before you remove it. To unmount the device, select
Storage ꢀStatus from the Configuration Manager window.
The Storage Status page appears.
STEP 7 Click Unmount.
STEP 8 When the AUX-1 LED on the chassis is off, you can safely remove the unmounted
USB flash device from the AUX-1 port.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Accessing the Network Storage
The NSS allows end users running a Windows, UNIX, Linux, or Mac computer to
easily access the NSS storage on the network. Once they log into the NSS using
their username and password, they can access all the shares to which they have
read or read-write privileges. The NSS supports the CIFS, NFS, and FTP
file-sharing protocols.
Windows Users
Windows users who have a user profile set up can access any shares to which
they have privileges on the NSS storage using CIFS/SMB or FTP.
Accessing the Storage using CIFS/SMB
To access the NSS storage using CIFS/SMB:
STEP 1 Choose one of these options to access the NSS.
• From the My Computer window, type \\<hostname> or \\<IP address> in
the Address bar. (Where the <hostname> refers to your NSS hostname and
<IP address> refers to your NSS IP address. For example,
"\\NAS0123456789ab or \\".)
• Browse for the NSS from the My Network Places window.
• Map the NSS to a network drive.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Accessing the Network Storage
Windows Users
The Login window appears.
STEP 2 If your user profile is set up locally (through the NSS configuration interface) and
the NSS is part of a Windows domain, in the User name field, enter the following:
<NSS hostname>\<username>
If your user profile is set up through the domain or the NSS is not joined to a
domain, you do not need to enter the NSS hostname before your user name. (Only
enter your user name and password.)
STEP 3 Click OK.
The Windows Explorer window opens with a directory listing of the
available shares.
STEP 4 Depending on your share privileges, you can begin using the NSS storage.
Accessing the Storage through FTP
NOTE Before an end user can access the shares on the NSS using FTP, FTP must be
enabled on the NSS and the individual share set up to allow FTP access.
To access the NSS storage using FTP:
STEP 1 From your FTP client application, connect to the NSS. Enter the IP address or
hostname of the NSS.
STEP 2 Enter your username and password when prompted by your FTP client.
When your FTP client logs in, a list of accessible shares appear as
individual directories.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Accessing the Network Storage
UNIX and Linux Users
STEP 3 Depending on your share privileges, you can begin using the NSS storage.
UNIX and Linux Users
UNIX and Linux users who have a user profile set up can access any shares to
which they have privileges on the NSS storage using NFS or FTP.
Accessing the Storage through NFS
UNIX and Linux users can access shares on the NSS through NFS. The NSS3000
only supports NFSv3. For NFS access privileges to work correctly, you must have
the NSS joined to an NIS domain.
NOTE You must have root privileges to your client system to create an NFS mount. Before
an end user can access the shares on the NSS through NFS, NFS must be enabled
on the NSS and the individual share set up to allow NFS access.
STEP 1 Log into the client system as root.
STEP 2 Create a mount point directory for the mount if you do not already have one (e.g.,
mkdir /mnt/nas_share1).
STEP 3 Mount the NFS share by entering the following:
"mount -v -t nfs -o nfsvers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 <IP address/
hostname>:<mount point path on NSS> <mount point path on client>"
The mount point path on the NSS appears in the Shares page located in the
configuration interface.
STEP 4 Log out of the root account.
STEP 5 Log into the user account on the client system.
STEP 6 You can now access the share though the mount point directory on your client. You
have the share privileges as are defined for the NSS.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Accessing the Network Storage
Mac Users
Accessing the Storage through FTP
NOTE Before an end user can access the shares on the NSS using FTP, the NSS network
filters must be set up to allow FTP access. The individual share must be also be set
up to allow FTP access.
To access the NSS storage using FTP:
STEP 1 Open your FTP client application.
STEP 2 Enter the NSS hostname/IP address.
STEP 3 Enter any other required settings. If using FTPS, ensure that the client is set to use
Explicit FTPS. For more help using the FTP client, refer to the FTP client
STEP 4 Enter your username and password when prompted by the FTP client.
STEP 5 Depending on your share privileges, you can begin using the NSS storage.
Mac Users
Mac users who have a user profile can access any shares to which they have
privileges on the NSS storage using CIFS/SMB or FTP.
Accessing Storage through CIFS/SMB
To access the NSS storage though CIFS/SMB:
STEP 1 From the Finder’s Go menu, click Connect to Server.
STEP 2 Enter "smb://<hostname or IP address of the NSS>/<sharename>. (Where the
information in the brackets is meant to be replaced with the applicable information.
Do not type the brackets.)
STEP 3 Click the "+" sign to save the NSS address to the Favorite Servers list so that the
next time you log in you just need to select the address from the list.
STEP 4 Click Connect.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Accessing the Network Storage
Mac Users
STEP 5 When the Login window appears, enter your username and password. If your user
profile is set up locally (through the NSS configuration interface and not through
the ADS or NTv4 domain) and the NSS is joined to a domain, enter the following:
<NSS hostname>\<user name>
If the NSS is not joined to a domain, only enter the username.
STEP 6 Depending on your share privileges, you can begin using the NSS storage.
Accessing Storage through FTP
NOTE Before an end user can access the shares on the NSS through FTP, the NSS must
have FTP access enabled and the individual share must be set up to allow FTP
To access the NSS storage using FTP:
STEP 1 Open your FTP client application.
STEP 2 Click Connect.
STEP 3 From your FTP client application, connect to the NSS. Enter the IP address or
hostname of the NSS. For more information about using your FTP client
application, refer to its documentation.
STEP 4 Enter your username and password when prompted by your FTP client.
STEP 5 When your FTP client has logged in, a list of accessible shares appears as
individual directories.
STEP 6 Depending on your share privileges, you can begin using the NSS storage.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
You can use the NSS LEDs on the front of the NSS chassis to monitor NSS activity
and performance. The LEDs also help you troubleshoot a variety of conditions on
the NSS, from normal operating conditions, alerts, to serious error conditions.
Power Button LED
The Power Button LED shows whether the NSS is receiving power and is
functioning properly. These are the LED colors and their meanings:
• Solid Yellow: The NSS is powered on and the boot loader is currently
running. The boot loader runs for approximately 10 seconds when the NSS
first starts up, and then the LED blinks green.
This condition also occurs if the upgrade of the firmware process fails
(although in this case, the LED remains in a solid yellow condition until the
user clicks OK from the System Details page following an unsuccessful
upload. After the user clicks OK, the system reboots using the current
version of the firmware.
• Blinking Yellow: The network configuration factory defaults are being reset.
When resetting the network defaults, hold down the Reset button until you
see the Power LED flash yellow rapidly.
• Solid Green: The NSS is powered up and finished booting.
• Blinking Green: The NSS is either booting up or shutting down.
• Alternating Yellow & Green: The firmware update is currently in progress.
• Off: The NSS is either disconnected from a power source or has finished
the shutdown process and can be safely disconnected from a
power source.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
System LED
You can also use the Power button LED to perform a graceful shutdown or hard
shutdown of the NSS:
• To perform a graceful shutdown: Press the Power button and hold for
about 1 to 2 seconds to trigger a graceful shutdown of the NSS.
• To perform a hard shutdown: Press the Power button and hold for about
eight seconds. Choose this option only if the NSS is not responding to a
graceful shutdown.
System LED
The System (SYS) LED indicates that a system error has occurred on the NSS.
These are the LED colors and their meanings:
• Solid Yellow: Indicates one of these error conditions. You can view the error
through the NSS configuration interface.
- A volume is more than 90% full.
- A disk drive has failed or is about to fail.
- A fan has stalled.
- The system temperature is above the maximum threshold.
- The temperature of a disk drive is above the maximum threshold.
- A voltage rail is above or below specification.
- The NSS is running on UPS due to a mains power failure.
• Solid Red: Indicates a critical system failure. The system could not boot due
to a corrupted firmware image.
• Off: There are no system-related problems.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
The LAN LED shows the status of the Ethernet link. These are the LED colors and
their meanings:
• Solid Green: The LAN link is up and running at 1000 link speed, but is
currently idle.
• Flickering Green: The LAN link is up and running at 1000 link speed and is
currently active. The LED flickers off with activity.
• Solid Yellow: The LAN link is up and running at 10/100 link speed, but is
currently idle.
• Flickering Yellow: The LAN link is up and running at 10/100 link speed and
is currently active. The LED flickers off with activity.
• Off: No LAN link is detected.
Hard Disk Drive LEDs
The ACT and Error LEDs show the status of the installed disk drives.
The ACT LED states indicates drive activity. These are the LED colors and their
• Solid Green: The disk drive is configured but is currently idle.
• Flickering Green: The disk drive is configured, active, and not rebuilding.
Flickers off with activity.
• Blinking Green: The disk drive is configured and a RAID array is currently
rebuilding to the disk drive.
• Off: The disk drive is not configured (not part of a RAID or JBOD array and
not exported).
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Reset Button
The ERR LED states indicates that the disk drive is in an error condition. These are
the LED colors and their meanings
• Solid Red: The disk drive is in a failed state.
• Blinking Red: The disk drive is predicated to fail (via S.M.A.R.T.). We
recommend that you replace the disk drive to avoid the loss of data.
• Off: The drive is OK.
Off: There is either no UPS attached to the NSS or the UPS function has been
disabled in the System Power page in the configuration interface.
On: A UPS is attached to the NSS and the UPS function is enabled in the System
Power page in the configuration interface.
For more information about the UPS, see the NSS3000 Series Network
Storage System Administration Guide available on”
Reset Button
Use the Reset button to restore the network setting system defaults or to reset the
box. The Reset button is located to the left of the display button on the front panel
of the NSS. You might need to use a pen or the end of a straightened paperclip to
press the button.
• To restore the network setting system defaults
Shut down the NSS, press the Reset button, and then power up the NSS.
When you see the Power LED blink yellow rapidly, release the Reset button.
The network settings are restored to the factory defaults.
• To reset the NSS
Press and hold the Reset button while the system is running until the Power
LED blinks green. Release the Reset button.
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
3.23 x 11.38” x 9.21” (82 x 289 x 234 mm)
7.28 lb. (3.3 kg)
Device Dimensions
Unit Weight
60W, 100 to 240VAC
FCC Class B
41 to 104°F(5 to 40°C)
Operating Temp
Storage Temp
Operating Humidity
Storage Humidity
-4 to 158°F(-20 to 70°C)
10 to 90%, Relative non-condensing
10 to 95%, Relative non-condensing
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
Additional Information
This appendix includes Regulatory Compliance and Safety information, warranty,
and licensing information for your product. These documents are also available as
PDFs on the CD-ROM that shipped with your product.
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for this product is available on the
CD that ships with your product and is also available on at the following
Warranty information that applies to this product is available on at the
following location:
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Licensing information that applies to this product is available on at the
following location:
NSS3000 Series Network Storage System Getting Started Guide
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